Susanne Martin (PhD) performs, researches and teaches contemporary dance. She works internationally, creating pieces as a soloist and collaboratively. Her work explores improvisation as choreographic practice, narratives of age(s), contact improvisation and practice as research / artistic research. Her pieces have been invited to the following festivals, among others:
Aerowaves (London), International Dance and Theatre Festival (Gothenburg), Nottdance (Nottingham), Opera Estate Veneto (Bassano del Grappa), Tanec Praha (Prague). In 2017, her PhD thesis Dancing Age(ing) was published by transcript, exploring the potential of improvisation-based dance to critically intervene in our age(ing) culture. In her current artistic research project (EPFL, Switzerland) she explores how dance improvisation can intervene in the culture of teaching, learning and research at technical universities.
Susanne, Gabriele and the Salons
Gabriele Reuter and Susanne Martin have been working and performing together in different contexts and performance formats with a focus on improvisation since 2010. In the period 2011 - 2017, they developed and hosted twelve salon formats. Under the name "Susi & Gabi's Salon - 100 Questions for Improvisation", over 50 guest artists met an activated and interested audience in Berlin, Nottingham, Leicester and Plymouth. The salons were developed as festival specials for Tanzfabrik's Tanz Hoch Zwei festival and the nottdance festival in Nottingham. A documentation of the previous salons can be found here.