20 August 2021, Berolinapark Mitte
Co-curator Sabine Zahn / Lovelabours
With the kind permission of the WBG
Raumverstehen #3 dealt with the question of inhabiting as a bodily-temporal process. Sabine Zahn explores in her current work "Into dwelling" what it takes to inhabit the city; to settle in, to know one's way around, to neighbour, to locate oneself. It is less about the flat, the neighbourhood or other places of residence, but rather about a situating, temporary and active approach to one's own presence in urban space. Zahn is interested in how living could be a poetic and speculative practice of city-making and what kind of city emerges from it.

Co-Curator Sabine Zahn
Sabine Zahn is a choreographer who works and lives in Berlin. In her artistic work, she focuses on the mutual influence between bodies and their environments, often urban space. She works closely with various disciplines and seeks to establish new relationships between art and the formation of society. She studied theatre studies and journalism in Leipzig, acting and movement theatre at the Scuola Teatro Dimitri in Ticino and was a postgraduate scholarship holder with Zadek/Stromberg.
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